TRIAL Training Day

Members, please be advised that as a way of reintroducing training and club activities, the GSDC of SA will have a once off trial training day as per the following schedule.

Sunday May 24, commencing at 9.30am
Obedience and Show training.
Canteen and Shepherd Shop will be open.

Training will be in line with State Government Restrictions and the following rules MUST be adhered to:

  • ON THE GROUNDS – No more than 10 persons in a group excluding instructor(s)
  • IN THE CLUBROOMS – No more than 10 people
  • UNDER THE VERANDA – No more than 10 people are to gather under the veranda area and no more than 2 people to be sitting at each table.
  • Social Distancing of 1.5 metres between others is to be maintained at all times.
  • NO double handling will be permitted in the show class.
  • All members who are not participating in training are to remain in their vehicles or maintain Social Distancing guidelines away from classes.
  • CANTEEN – will be selling food and drink however ALL food is to be consumed away from the canteen and veranda area.
  • Please make use of sanitiser which will be available.

REMEMBER:  If you have a cold or flu like symptoms, stay home until you are well.
                         Wash your hands often and cover coughs and sneezes.

Sunday the 24th, will be a trial phase of returning to club and ALL are asked to adhere to the rules as stated above.  If this does not occur; ALL training and club will be suspended until further notice.

The Committee will further convene to determine the next training day based on the outcome of the trial day on Sunday 24th and in keeping with State Restrictions.