GSDCA Communications

This page will list communications from the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) that have been sent to the Club which is to be distributed to members.  Members should realise that the GSDCA is made up of the 8 Clubs around Australia and that the GSDCA Executive are the administrators for the Council.  Any decisions made by Council can only be done with the majority support of all Clubs.

Agendas for the 2024 NBC Meeting and Judges Committee Meeting

Agenda, Minutes, Annual Reports and information pertaining to meetings conducted by the GSDCA CLICK HERE

For up to date announcements from the GSDCA please CLICK HERE

The GSDCA Database LIVE!! – Username and Password will be provided by the Secretary of the GSDC of SA.

WUSV Meeting Documentation
Letter to WUSV 17.10.2022 [final]
Letter to all clubs re outcome of meeting WUSV – [final] 18.10.22
WUSV Meeting Report – BSZS 2022

WUSV – GSDCA  World Harmonisation Program

Special Meetings were conducted in 2017 regarding the WUSV’s World Harmonisation Program (WHP).  For documents relating to the WHP please CLICK HERE and scroll down the page.

60 Day Motions from the GSDCA AGM 2024

60 Day Motions from the 58th GSDCA AGM 2019