Obedience Awards

To be eligible for the following trophies the dog must attend at least one third of Club training sessions and have nominated the GSDC of SA as their first Club on entry forms.

New Club Trophy

The highest placed dog in a minimum of two recognised disciplines.

2024No AwardNo Award
2023No AwardNo Award
2022No AwardNo Award
2021*Ch Vonpeta Qwackawoody AZVondoussa KennelsNo Award
2020No AwardVonpeta Veni Vidi ViciVondoussa Kennels
2019No AwardNo Award
2018No Award*Taurorn Remember Me AZ CDB & Mrs S Lawrence/Ms G Wellman
2017No AwardNo Award
2016*Ch Vonpeta Tolder Just Do It A Z PTVondoussa Kennels/PN Damarell & Ms JE PikeVondoussa Caught In The Act A ZVondoussa Kennels
2015No Award*Vondoussa X Marks The Spot AZ ETVondoussa Kennels
2014No AwardNo Award
2013*Ch Vonpeta Tolder Just Do It A Z HTVondoussa Kennels/PN Damarell & Ms JE PikeGilarisha Pocket Rocket CDAG, Mrs R & Misses A & K Skippper
2012*Vondoussa Robbie Williams AZ PTVondoussa KennelsVondoussa Urban Legend HTVondoussa Kennels
2011Vonpeta Ortagogood PTVondoussa Kennels & C Smith*Grundelhardt Tainted Love A Z HTVondoussa Kennels/P & Mrs J Cocks
2010No Award*Vondoussa Queen A Z PTVondoussa Kennels
2009*Ch Taurorn Navarre A ZS Pilgrim*Vondoussa Georgie Girl A Z ET HSAs HSAdVondoussa Kennels
2008*Arkahla Limited Edition A Z CDR Tape*Dreamstar Almost Famous A ZS Pilgrim
2007*Arkahla Limited Edition A Z CDR Tape*Arkahla Limerick A ZW & J O'Loughlin
2006*Arkahla Limited Edition A ZR TapeNo Award
2005No AwardNo Award

Cleo Encouragment Trophy

The highest number of points in the first three consecutive passes in the COMPANION DOG class.

YearDogs NameOwner
2024No Award
2023Alimanda Nimble CDSam Ksiezak
2022No Award
2021Kovacs Reka CDChristin Cooper
2020No Award
2019No Award
2018No Award
2017No Award
2016Quovadis Lotsa Charm CD RAA Nation
2015Quovadis Leige Lord RN CDA Nation
2014No Award
2013No Award
2012No Award
2011No Award
2010No Award
2009No Award
2008Aldahoven Cristell Clear CDE Bernhardt
2007No Award
2006No Award

Kerob Trophy

The highest number of points gained from five qualifying scores in the COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT class.

YearDogs nameOwner
2024No Award
2023No Award
2022No Award
2021No Award
2020No Award
2019No Award
2018No Award
2017No Award
2016No Award
2015No Award
2014No Award
2013Vomkogelberg Germanicus CDXJ & M Hartshorne
2012No Award
2011Darkknight Quskade CDXI Hanegreefs
2010No Award
2009No Award
2008No Award
2007Siegerheims Jana CDX ETJ & M Hartshorne
2006No Award

Von Rheintal Trophy

The dog with the highest number of points in collective trials throughout the year.

YearDogs NameOwner
2024Vomkogelberg Cicero (AI) CCDAmy How
2023Alimanda Nimble CDSam Ksiezak
2022No Award
2021Kovacs Reka CDChristin Cooper
2020No Award
2019No Award
2018No Award
2017No Award
2016Quovadis Lotsa Charm CD RAA Nation
2015Quovadis Leige Lord RN CDA Nation
2014No Award
2013Gilarisha Pocket Rocket CDAG, Mrs R & Misses A & K Skippper
2012Vomkogelberg Germanicus CDXJ & M Hartshorne
2011Vomkogelberg Germanicus CDJ & M Hartshorne
2010Bruangie Maghnus CD ETAndreanna Humphrey
2009Darkknight Quskade CDXI Hanegreefs
2008Siegerheims Jana CDX ETJ & M Hartshorne
2007No Award
2006Vondoussa Gene Genie A Z CDG & M Mucci

Magic Merlin Trophy

Awarded to a dog that has not already qualified for COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT.

YearDogs NameOwner
2024Alimada Nimble CDXSam Ksiezak
2023No Award
2022No Award
2021No Award
2020No Award
2019No Award
2018No Award
2017No Award
2016No Award
2015No Award
2014No Award
2013No Award
2012Vomkogelberg Germanicus CDXJ & M Hartshorne
2011No Award
2010No Award
2009No Award
2008No Award
2007No Award
2006Siegerheims Jana CDX ETJ & M Hartshorne

Anka Memorial Trophy

The highest scoring dog competing in COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT, UTILITY and TRACKING

YearDogs NameOwner
2024Alimada Nimble CDXSam Ksiezak
2023No Award
2022No Award
2021Bruangie Andys Angel UDMrs V Corlett, Handler F Lunsden
2021TSCH TCH Leberhine Juni TSDXR & Mrs D Evans/Mrs F Gollan, Handler Mrs F Gollan
2020No Award
2019No Award
2018No Award
2017No Award
2016*Gilarisha Pocket Rocket AZ UDA Skipper
2015No Award
2014No Award
2013Vomkogelberg Germanicus CDXJ & M Hartshorne
2012No Award
2011No Award
2010No Award
2009Darkknight Quskade CDXI Hanegreefs
2008Siegerheims Jana CDX ETJ & M Hartshorne
2007No Award
2006No Award

Dog of the Year

Best performed dog through Club obedience classes (chosen by Instructors)

YearDogs NameOwner
2024Vomkogelberg Cicero (AI) CCDAmy How
2023Alimada Nimble CDSam Ksiezak
2022GeorgeJessica Chelo
2021Kovacs Reka CDChristin Cooper
2020*Arkahla Donnerstag AZMariana Alemao
2019NellieRobert Shepherd
2018StigDylan Lake
2017SteffiPauline Horsnell
2016LottiePaul Leverington
2015Quovadis Leige Lord RN CDA Nation
2014MiaDanni Pinataro
2014ShadowJasmine Bentley
2013Gilarisha Pocket Rocket CDAG, Mrs R & Misses A & K Skippper
2012Vomkogelberg Germanicus UDJ & M Hartshorne
2011Quovadis Insignia CDDarren Sumsion
2010Leppsdorf BenedettaNatalie Davis
2009Natchez Qasauera CCDCath McCole
2008Sagenhaft RodanI Cameron
2007Vondoussa Kold Chisel (Bandit)M Dimond

Delaforce & Vondoussa Dual Performance Trophy

Highest placed dog in obedience and conformation at the selected Annual Championship Show from 1997 to 2007.

YearDogs NameOwner
2007No Award
2006*Arkahla Limited Edition A Z CDR Tape
2005*Arkahla Limited Edition A Z CDR Tape
2004*Ch Arkahla Gonzo A Z CD ETW & J O'Loughlin
2003No Award
2002*Ch Arkahla Gonzo A Z CD ETW & J O'Loughlin
2001*Ch Taurorn Jazzman A Z CDX AD JDB Fielder
2000*Ch Taurorn Jazzman A Z CDX AD JDB Fielder
1999*Ch Astasia Carson A Z
1998*Ch Arkahla Astrodome A Z CD ET JDW & J O'Loughlin
1997*Sektor Risky Business A ZC & S Humphreys (Vic)