GSDCA Hip and Elbow Control Scheme

GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme 

On-line Applications for HD/ED Contracts – available from 1 July 2024!
From the 1 July 2024 you are able to apply for a HD/ED Contract on-line.  You need to be a financial member of a GSDCA affiliate club and you will need a copy of the Dogs Australia (ANKC) pedigree for your dog, with you listed as the registered owner (breeders can apply for contracts for dogs that they have bred).

Why go digital?  To fast track the process for ALL involved.

This service will give owners the ability to receive their a GSDCA HD/ED contract via email the same day of application.  Radiologists can receive x-rays and paperwork on the day they are taken. X-ray submissions are scored within days of receiving them, and results are immediately available. All data and records are digitally stored. Certificates can then be generated and posted within days of receiving results.

Please remember that your State Registrar is a volunteer, and an AZ Certificate still relies on Australia Post, so delays can occur. 

To apply on-line for a contract go to then click on the X-Ray Centre Icon on the home page.  This will open an instruction page which you should READ CAREFULLY and follow.

How does the On-line facility work?

  1. On the GSDCA website the owner enters owner contact information and the dog’s information, attaches the Dogs Australia (ANKC) pedigree in pdf format. The owner must nominate their member state (being a current financial member). They pay for the Hip and Elbow contract with credit card via the online purchasing shop. Payments are processed securely by the Westpac Bank, directly into the GSDCA account.
  2. This contract payment generates an email to the respective member state registrar that they have a contract application for checking, verification and approval.
  3. The state registrar checks the data, the financial membership status and confirms the application details against the uploaded pedigree. The state registrar ‘approves’ the application. In the event that an application is not approved, the registrar will contact the owner and a refund will be provided.  NB breeders can apply for contracts for dogs that they have bred.
  4. This approval automatically generates a pdf copy of the ‘GSDCA contract’ that is emailed to the owner. This contract pdf should be downloaded, saved and printed. It should be taken to the vet for signing on the day of the x-ray.
  5. Owner makes appointment and visits vet with paperwork (GSDCA contract and dog’s pedigree). X-rays are taken. Vet MUST sign contract.
  6. At the vet (or at home) use the upload portal on the GSDCA website to enter details of the dog and contract info, attach the files (x-ray dicoms (.dcm), signed contract and pedigree pdf), select the preferred radiologist and submit for scoring.  If you do not have a CD-Rom reader on your home computer take a USB device to your Vet for the x-rays to be saved on.
  7. This submission sends an email to the selected radiologist to view the files uploaded, score the x-rays, enter the results and approve result release.
  8. This approval generates a pdf of the provisional results (aka the pink copy) as scored. It is emailed automatically to the owner, the scoring radiologist and the HDED registrar for final verification, AZ certificate generation and upload to the GSDCA database.
  9. Paper contracts and manual payments will still available via clubs (not preferred) but owners can then use the online x-ray portal to submit to the radiologist for scoring.

Application for Paper HD/ED Contracts
Before you take your animal to the Veterinarian for Hip and Elbow x-rays after they have turned 12 months, you need to apply to the State HD/ED Registrar for a GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme X-ray form.

To apply for a GSDC HD/ED Control Scheme form CLICK HERE to download the request form which must be sent to the Registrar so that the form can be prepared for you.  Payment methods are detailed on the form with provision for credit card payment.  The details required on the form are necessary for the Registrar to complete your application. 

CLICK HERE for more information regarding this very important scheme

HD/ED Control Scheme InformatioStatistics

CLICK HERE for statistics relating to Sires.  These charts are updated on a 6 monthly basis.

Advice to Veterinarians

Breeders and Owners Please note!

ANKC LRL survey have resulted in these amendments: GSD Litter Registration Limitation

Please ensure that your veterinarian is aware of this requirement, as documented on the GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme Application form under “Advice to  Veterinarian” which reads as follows:-

“Computer Radiography Generated Images (Digital X-rays): For computer radiography generated images (digital x-rays) to be accepted by the GSDCA Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme, the images must be of a high quality and saved as DICOM Images. (i.e. .dcm extension)”.