President | Mr John De Lucia | 0491 610 096 |
Hon Secretary | Mr Stephen Collins | 08 8556 2340 0419 212 749 |
Hon Treasurer | Mr Peter Flynn | 08 8520 3072 0468 814 438 |
1st Vice President Obedience | Mrs Jenny De Lucia | 0408 100 745 |
2nd Vice President Breed Affairs | Mrs Christine Collins | 08 8556 2340 |
Public Relations | Mrs Jenny De Lucia | 0408 100 745 |
Communications | via the Hon Secretary | 08 8556 2340 0419 212 749 |
Trophy Coordinator | Mrs Judy O'Loughlin | 08 8384 3592 |
Shepherd Shop | Tiffany Clark | 0478 136 129 (SMS only) or phone the club. |
Canteen | Mrs Michelle Monti | 0439 685 451 |
Social & Fundraising | via the Hon Secretary | 08 8556 2340 0419 212 749 |
Social Media & Website | Mr Andrew O'Loughlin | 0422 367 598 |
Shepherd News | Ms Donna Vigor (Off Committee) |
Official Positions
Club Patron | Mr John Quirke | |
Puppy Listing Officer | Mr Stephen Collins | 08 8556 2340 0419 212 749 |
State Breed Survey Coordinator | Mr Peter Flynn | 08 8520 3072 0468 814 438 |
State Breed Survey Registrar | Mr Andrew O'Loughlin. | 0422 367 598 |
State HD/ED & Identification Registrar | Mr Robert Evans | 0418 814 993 |
Show Manager | Mrs Judy O'Loughlin | 08 8384 3592 |
Youth Officer | Mr Andrew O'Loughlin | 0422 367 598 |
Catering Manager | Mrs Kerry Kennedy | |
Microchip Officer | Mr Stephen Collins | 08 8556 2340 0419 212 749 |
Microchip Officer | Mr Robert Evans | 0418 814 993 |